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Arabic Student Profiled & Interrogated By The Police!

***1st Interracial!***

Be the best. Never settle. Success or nothing. Since she was a young girl, Jezebeth's Arabic parents have drilled those words her head.

And they have paid off. Jezebeth graduated from high school with honors. And now she's in one of the best colleges in the country and her grades are top notch. Everything is going great!

Her parents would be so proud...but not if they knew what Jezebeth was getting into in college. You see, Jezebeth's parents are immigrants from the Middle East. They are very religious and they raised her that way too. So they wouldn't appreciate her smoking and partying the way she's been doing all year. They'd be REALLY angry actually!

But so far Jezebeth has managed to juggle all her...bad activities along with her schoolwork with no complications. And with midterms coming up she's cut down on the partying. But there is something else she needs that helps clear her mind!

And that something is smoking. It really relaxes her and helps her make sense of all these equations and what not that she's dealing with. But the stuff she's smoking is VERY potent...and that causes her to not realize exactly how loud her music is...local law enforcement. And the officer that shows up is not in a good mood.

Officer Richards has seen it all from these college students. Alcohol, substances, fighting, all of it. And he's tired of it. So when he sees Jezebeth and smells what shes been smoking, hes ready to throw the riot act at her....until he sees her phat...beautiful booty hanging out of her shorts. It looks so juicy. And that gives him an erection...and an idea.

He knows these students in and out. Especially the students from Jezebeth's background. These students are the type who are terrified of their parents finding out all the wild things they do in college. What would they say when they find out she got arrested? Find out what she's been doing with the money they sent her? Find out what she's been wearing??? They would disown her. He knows that. The fear in her eyes lets him know that she knows that as well. Both of them know that her parents cant find out ANYTHING that Jezebeth has been doing in college....and that Jezebeth will have to do ANYTHING Officer Richards says to keep that secret from getting out...


Date Added: June 6, 2019


55 min of video

Curious Blonde Regretfully Discover's Her Black Roommate's Secret!

Maddy's college career is going pretty well. In her couple of years at The University she's already met a few people, had some very MEMORABLE experiences, and made lots of new friends. College has been the time of her life!

But there's one thing about college that Maddy really doesn't like, and its the fact that college is EXPENSIVE. Maddy has a part time job but it's still hard making ends meet. Maddy even had to move out of her apartment with the dreamy football players into another place with a roommate. Maddy liked living alone, so this kinda sucks, but hey. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Maddy's been in her new place for a couple weeks now. And there's a few things that are off. First, her roommate is a guy. A black guy. Maddy doesn't have anything against black guys obviously, but it is weird for her to live with one! Secondly, he's kinda weird. He's very quiet, and private and is in and out at all hours of the day and night. He's never been mean to her, but he gives her bad vibes sometimes....

Maddy has also never seen his room, and its been driving her crazy! She knows he's hiding something! And she really wants to find out what's in there!

So one day, as she's watching TV, her roommate tells her that he's heading out. And in that moment, Maddy's teenage brain fixates on one thought. "He's leaving! I get to go in his room and FINALLY see what the hell he's so secretive about!" She doesn't know if she'll find money, substances, or something worse...but she HAS TO KNOW! So as soon as she leaves out the door, Maddy races to his room and starts snooping around. But even she is surprised at what she finds!

You see, Maddy's roommate Branden...he's a criminal. A THUG. He's responsible for a string of robberies and unsolved crimes throughout her little college town, and the police haven't been able to find anything on him in ages. All they know is that he wears a signature ski mask...a ski mask that Maddy is holding in her hands RIGHT NOW. A wave of realization runs through her. "My roommate is the guy responsible for all these crimes!" Maddy starts to think of everything that the man has done, and the fact that she's been under the same roof as him for so long! Thoughts fly through her mind. Should she call the cops? Should she pretend this never happened? Should she tell her friends? What should....the thoughts in Maddy's head come to an abrupt a hand, a muscular black hand grabs her around the mouth, preventing her from screaming. Her roommate has returned. And he's not happy that she's been going through his stuff....


Date Added: May 28, 2019


34 min of video

She Doesn't Like Black Guys...Yet.

Liz is starting her first semester as an exchange student from Spain and she is very, very happy. She had long dreamed of studying in America and that dream has finally become a reality! America is everything she had dreamed about! It's perfect! Well...almost perfect.

One thing that is very different about the population. You see, in Liz's small town in Spain, the population is very...similar. To put it simply, they are all white. That is the environment Liz grew up in. That is the environment she is used to. But that is not the environment at the University she is studying at in America. There are a lot of black men at the school. And Liz doesn't like the way they look at her.

Liz has heard stories from her mother and father about black men. They told her all about African migrants in parts of Spain. They showed her articles about urban crime in America before she went to study. They made her watch news reports and videos on the evils that these vicious black men committed on little white girls. They warned her. And Liz took those warnings to heart. She is very wary around these black guys. She doesn't talk to them, look at them, nothing. She knows what they are capable of.

Until now, no one has tried anything immoral with her. But today, there is one black guy who asked for her phone number. Imagine! Liz giving her phone number to one of these people! It is offensive he would think he would have that privilege! So, in no uncertain terms, Liz let the black man know that she was NOT interested. But Liz is still learning English. And with the language barrier, she was much more harsh than she intended. So harsh that she made this black man very...very angry.

So angry, that he followed Liz. He saw where her dorm room was. He went and got some supplies to ensure that he wouldn't be recognized. He knocked on her door...and barged his way in, grabbing and slapping the terrified Liz. She is about to learn very, very quickly that there is a right and wrong way to talk to people in America.


Date Added: May 21, 2019


28 min of video

Barely 18 & Skipping School For BIG BLACK DICK!


Its senior skip day! One of the most fun days of the year where all the high school students scheduled to graduate this year skip school and have a ton of fun activities! This is something that Taylor has been looking forward to A LOT.

Taylor's friend's got the hookup on a party that is supposed to be really hype. All the popular students are gonna be there plus some athletes from the local University. And there's gonna be some soundcloud rappers there too! So much packed into this day that it sounds like it might be too much to handle!

But for Taylor, too much is never enough! She needs to get the party started now! And one quick look on social media lets her know shes super close to the party! She doesn't even have to wait til her friends get there! Its time to get fucked up NOW!

But when Taylor arrives...something doesn't feel right. Its senior skip day. Even tho the party doesn't start til later, there should be tons of students pre gaming....Taylor is online trying to figure it out when suddenly she feels someone VERY close to her.

That someone is Branden. And he's a little surprised to see this cute little blonde, blue eyed snowbunny in his spot. Surprised...but DEFINITELY not disappointed. And once Taylor explains that shes here for the party, Branden knows that he's going to be even happier with the fact this little bunny barged in his spot and is sitting on his couch in 5-10 minutes!

You see the party got moved. And Branden knows the new location...but Taylor doesn't. Branden also knows all about high school girls like Taylor. Young...impressionable...willing to do anything to be popular and for a good time. Looking at her innocent eyes...her phat ass hanging out her shorts...Branden's BBC starts getting hard. Because he knows that this cute little snowbunny is gonna do ANYTHING for the address to this party...


Date Added: May 18, 2019


44 min of video

Your Trophy Wife Gets RAVAGED by Angry Black Gang Member's BBC!

The life of a trophy wife is always nice. And thats exactly the life that Karma is living. Her husband, James is a wealthy stockbroker. And the trades he makes have made him and his wife very, very wealthy. And of course, his beautiful trophy wife takes full advantage of that large bank account! Her life is one of opulence and leisure.

Karma doesn't really involve herself in her husband's affairs. She's too busy shopping and talking about her amazing lifestyle to her friends and family. Yes she's noticed that her hubby gets stressed. But what can she do to comfort him? Its better to keep her mouth shut since all that stock talk is confusing.

If Karma had paid more attention though...she would have noticed the mounting bills...the increased number of credit cards...the quiet phone calls her husband takes late at night. Had she paid more attention...she would have known that her husband had bitten off a bit more than he could chew...and someone was gonna have to swallow it.

But as Karma heads out, the only thing SHE'S thinking about swallowing is eome foie gras at the 5 star restaurant she is meeting her husband at. Vintage wine is on her mind as she puts on a sexy dress and heads to the door...but the minute she opens the door, she sees something that stops her in her tracks.

Its a man. A masked man. A masked angry black man. And he is holding some dangerous instruments as well as a video camera. This man? Hes Branden. Her husband has mentioned him in the past, but Karma hadn't paid too much attention. Now she is going to wish she had. Because tonight is going to be intense. And painful.


Date Added: May 11, 2019


33 min of video

12 Inches of MONSTER BLACK DICK Will Make Her Forget About Her Man!

There are two things that make Violet feel complete: her work and the amazing man in her life. But lately the problems in Violets life have been looming BIGGER than ever.

Violet has been getting into argument after argument with her boyfriend. Over everything from money to putting gas in their car. But the biggest argument they've been having is over Violet's sexual appetite. You see, Violet is into some very freaky stuff. But her boyfriend just isnt that big of a freak. He was revolted at some of the things she suggested!

But hey, even though Violet isn't being fulfilled at home, she has her work, work she loves. And she's being MORE than fulfilled at work. In fact, she's getting more than she can handle!

You see, Violet is a probation officer. Every day she sees A LOT. Gangbangers, addicts and everything in between. Sometimes it can be really rough on her.

But Violet still loves her work. Because she knows that shes making a difference. Take her client Slim for instance. He was really rough around the edges, a true thug just out of prison. But Violet's patience and hard work have paid off. Now Slim is working and has a new place. Sometimes all it takes is a gentle touch!

Violet knows this is her last meeting with Slim and she really wants to show him she's proud of his achievements. So she tries to push all her annoying thoughts of her stupid boyfriend aside. This day is about her bad boy client. And she wants to make sure he knows just how proud of him she is!


Date Added: April 28, 2019


37 min of video

BBC Therapy Required For High School Student!

The nightmares. They just won't stop for high school student Isabel. Every night for the past several weeks they have been coming and they've been unbearable. The darkness. The screaming....

In each of these terrible dreams, there is one constant. The masked man. The man making her scream is always wearing a dark mask. She can see the mask clearly as he chases her. As he...violates her.

Every night. It's becoming too much for Isabel. Her mood is changing. Her grades are falling. She's got to do something about it. Got to talk to someone. And that someone is Mr. Richards, her school counselor. She really likes him. He's such a nice guy.

Talking to Mr. Richards instantly quells Isabel's anxiety, especially when he offers to give her a session later on. But what Isabel doesn't know is that Mr. Richards has...ulterior motives in helping her. Sure, it's his job as a school counselor. But he's also the CAUSE of her anxiety. You see...every day, Mr. Richards has been infecting Isabel with dark thoughts. Dark thoughts which flow into her while she is in school and come to fruition late at night. Each dream makes Isabel a tad more pliable, a tad more...obedient.

Of course, Isabel is unaware of any of this as she arrives for her private session. As she lays down on the couch, she doesn't notice Mr. Richards practically salivating as he imagines all the things that her young 19 year old body is capable of...

Isabel opens up more about the dreams. About the masked man. As she talks about him, she feels a...familiarity. Like he's actually very, very close. Mr. Richards, seemingly sensing her thoughts, knows that the moment for the final trigger is near. "Is this the mask you've been seeing in your dreams?" he asks. Isabel looks. And her eyes go blank. Her mind shuts off, except for one thought. "OBEY." She belongs to him now. Her only desire is to please him. Smiling, he puts on the mask and utters one sentence: "Get on your knees."


Date Added: April 21, 2019


31 min of video

Thug Teaches The Teacher A Lesson On Eating Black Ass!

Working in the inner city sucks. Sure you hear all the stories about making a difference, changing lives, being a role model, etc. But these animals do not give a single fuck. They are little demons! Savage, angry demons!

I made the mistake of thinking I could help these BLACK THUGS. And now I'm stuck in this useless job at this awful high school with brats who seem allergic to learning. All they want to do is smoke, sell dope, talk about how big their black dicks are. They constantly call each other the N word (but Lord forbid I do it) and are always trying to "get on hoes". Everyday they look at me like I'm a piece of meat! I swear if one of these thugs says something about my ass again we are gonna have a problem!

Thanks to being the newest member on the staff, I get the worst assignments. And today my assignment is telling one of these ghetto thugs that he can't come back to school. And even worse, I have to go to his fucking house to deliver the news. I did not sign up for this!

This guy's name is Branden. He's only been in my class a few times but I've heard a lot about him. About how he robs other students after school. About how he's been caught inside the girls locker room stroking his cock wearing a creepy mask while watching the girls change. He's a pervert. A future sex offender. A real piece of work.

Don't know how he got a scholarship but I guess if you can run and jump somebody will take you. But whatever. This little thug's criminal career is about to be over. I'm going to deliver this news and then take my ass home to the suburbs, have a nice glass of wine, and look for another job outside of the ghetto. I'm too good for this.


Date Added: April 12, 2019


35 min of video

What are you waiting for?