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Apologize With Your Fuckin Throat!

Bitches. All they do is spend your money, use up all the hot water, take forever to decide where to eat, and then eat off your plate!

But that stuff? That stuff ain't even that bad compared to the stuff that these bitches REALLY be doin behind your back! Check this out. My new girl Jasmine been actin right for a minute...but I just knew she had somethin inside her that was about to come out.

Sure enough, me and her gettin ready to go out and I'm lookin for my keys....when I come across some FUCKED UP STUFF. This bitch got one of the masks that them Diablo gangstas be wearing IN MY HOUSE! And I know damn well that Diablo was in my house for one reason only!!!

My mind is going a mile a minute. Thinking of when she did this, with who, did I kiss her afterwards...all that! So I'm mad. Mad AF. And when I'm mad, some bad things happen.

And right when I'm seein comes this bitch down the stairs runnin her mouth askin am I ready to go. The same mouth that she been usin on these other guys. Its cool. She wanna use that slut mouth, I'ma keep that slut mouth VERY, VERY BUSY!

Date Added: April 5, 2019


37 min of video

Unsatisfied Wife Opens Wide For BBC & Black Ass!

Cadence is unhappy. She has been for a long time. Now from the outside looking it, one wouldn't guess that for a million years. Cars, a gigantic mansion, money, clothes...everything a woman would want is at her fingertips. Cadence seemingly has everything that would make a woman happy.

But there's one issue: Cadence's husband, Michael. You see...Michael has worked so long and so hard to provide for Cadence. His hard work has made them rich and given her everything...everything except him. Because now, Michael is utterly consumed by his work. He simply cannot stop.

Michael went from a hopeless romantic to just...hopeless. He works morning, afternoon and night. Holidays and weekends included. He's obsessed. I mean sure it means more money...but what's the point of all that money if one doesn't have time to spend it? And does Michael have time for Cadence? Of course not. There's simply no room for anything else.

Cadence has tried and tried to get her husband to pay attention to her. Sexy lingerie, impromptu dates...none of it works. Cadence is quickly becoming bored. There's only so much shopping a girl can do. And you know what they say about an idle mind....

Cadence can think of all sorts of things she would rather be doing than shopping and sitting at home. And more and more...those things she would rather be doing..involve other men. If her husband is too busy to appreciate her, too busy to indulge her...well there are plenty of other ways she can get satisfaction. Cadence is done keeping her mouth shut. As a matter of fact...she's going to open it as wide as possible....


Date Added: March 29, 2019


48 min of video

Put A Black Baby Inside Her, Use ALL Her Holes, And The Debt Is Paid!

Candice has long felt that she is the luckiest woman on earth. She married her high school sweetheart who also just so happened to be very, very wealthy. They had a storybook wedding and her life has been like a fairtytale ever since. Her husband always treats her like a princess!

Their fairtytale like includes first class trips, 5 star hotels, only the very best in food and clothing. Candice would say her life is only missing one thing. She DOES want a baby very badly, but her husband keeps saying its not time. She's sure he'll come around and eventually bless her with a little one.

But even though everything seems perfect, of course, all that glitters is not gold. Recently Candice has noticed things. Its like her husband has something on his mind. Hes been making lots of frantic sounding hushed phone calls. Her card got declined while she was doing her daily shopping trip. When she asked her husband what was wrong he said dont worry about it. Hes also been looking stressed...haggard...overworked. Like hes really going through something.

Even though he told her not to worry, Candice cant help it. She hates seeing the man she loves stressed, but since he won't confide in her, Candice tries her best to go about her normal routine, one that includes shopping and lots of exercise.

Candice is deep in thought after an exercise session as she heads back to her suite. So deep in thought she doesn't notice the masked black man in the living room until its too late.

Panic runs through her when she sees him. All sorts of horrible thoughts of what he's going to do to her run through her head. She wishes that she didn't wear something so revealing; her ass is practically hanging out of her booty shorts!

But when the masked man speaks, he asks for her husband. Candice is shocked. She knew her husband was in trouble, but for him to be in trouble with people like THIS is something she didnt suspect at all! Candice begs them not to hurt him but it doesn't seem as though his mind can be changed! Unless.....Candice has noticed the way he's been looking at her....eyeing her huge ass...undressing her with his eyes...she takes a look at his pants and notices something swinging down there...something much bigger than what her husband has...something that looks like it'll rip her holes open....

Candice gulps and much does she love her husband?

Date Added: March 21, 2019


44 min of video

Big Tit Virgin Trades Secrets For Black Dick & Black Ass!

April is soooooo sick of high school! Every freaking day some annoying teacher, security guard or administrator finds a way to bother her! Its so unfair! They don't pick on the other students like they do her! April doesn't know what it is about her that is making everybody want to fuck with her!

She's been sent home for talking back, for coming late, because a teacher THOUGHT she was cheating, and for FARRRR too many dress code violations!!! Omg! More violations than she can count!

And today she got ANOTHER dress code violation because APPARENTLY her dress is too short! Even though other girls come to school dressed like whores every day, when April decides to wear a short dress, the teachers and principal look at her and talk to her like shes some kind of slut! Which is soooooo offensive because April has never, ever had sex with a boy! She's a good girl!

Now normally April would raise a fuss. She thinks it's super sexist that she gets singled out. Its not her fault shes in high school with over 40 inches of ass and big...juicy double ds! But this is her 4th violation in 2 weeks! Her parents chewed her ass out after the 3rd one and threatened her with all sorts of horrible things if she got another!

So yeah...her parents CANNOT find out about this one! So rather than going home, April is going to go to her friend Brianna's house. Brianna is a year ahead of April and already graduated, so she should be home...but when April gets there, Brianna isn't there...but her brother Branden is. April likes Branden... because hes a good listener and he's always paid a lot of attention to her! Brianna has told April about some of the weird stuff Branden is into but April doesn't believe her. No one could possibly be THAT kinky and sadistic!

As April vents to Branden about how unfair everyone is, she doesn't notice Brandens dick growing in his shorts. Aprils dress IS too short...half of her phat, juicy young high school booty is hanging out...a booty that Branden has wanted for YEARS. And with his sister and parents not home for hours...Branden is determined to get what he wants out of young, busty, voluptuous April.

Date Added: March 10, 2019


36 min of video

Perverted Landlord Blackmails Tenant Into Eating Black Ass!

Julie just moved into a new place not too long ago and she's liking it a lot! Its in a great neighborhood, low rent, close to everything...its just perfect. Well....ALMOST perfect. You see...Julie likes to have fun. Smoking, having friends over...She's a free spirit. But with all the fun and freedom she's having....there's bound to be a little....trouble.

For Julie, trouble comes in the form of her building manager, Mr. Richards. He's always writing her noise violations, sending her annoying letters about her smoking...he's a real dick. And what makes it even worse is how he leers at her like a piece of meat whenever he see's her out and about. She can feel him undressing her with his eyes. Makes her feel so DIRTY.

She's heard about him from some of the other female tenants in the complex...about how he flirts with girls in the most forward and direct way possible...about how hes positioned himself so women can accidentally see the bulge in his girl even told a story about a weird ski mask he keeps around. The man is a perverted nutjob.

So Julie understandably is less than enthused when she gets YET ANOTHER notice about a noise complaint. This is the 3rd one this month! After the other incidents Julie has been paying a lot of attention to the lease she signed, so she knows this is serious business. So even though she is sick and tired of creepy ass Mr. Richards, she decides to try and put her best face forward so that the two of them can resolve this situation quickly and easily.

Date Added: March 4, 2019


36 min of video

Loving Wife Uses BBC & Black Ass To Protect Her Husband!

Having a rich husband is amazing. You go on long glamourous trips, get expensive gifts, and have exotic romantic dinners.

That rich wife life is the one Nadia is living and she is definitely enjoying it. Her husband gives her everything she could possibly want or need. She makes sure to shower him daily with kisses and hugs.

But what Nadia didn't know until recently...was that her husband was involved in business with some VERY UNSAVORY individuals. Individuals who her husband pissed off. Individuals who are now out to get him back by any means necessary.

Entering into witness protection was the only option they had, and it has been a VERY trying ordeal for both of them. But Nadia and her husband have been trying to live life as normally as possible; they had a great dinner date tonight, which was a bit bittersweet, because her husband is testifying against his former partners tomorrow. Even though he tried to act normal, Nadia could sense that something was bothering her husband. It's like he knew something bad was about to happen....

Nadia tries her best to reassure her husband after dinner. She loves him so much. Even though his actions resulted in their lives being uprooted, she would do anything for him.

But Nadia's concentrating so much on making him feel better though that she doesn't notice the door to her hotel room opening...ever so slowly...

Date Added: February 24, 2019


45 min of video

Natural's Oral Creampie!

Sometime's rather than going out to rob other people, it's better to stay in and rob people's throats!

That's how Branden feels tonight. Cuz Natural lookin so good with her pretty pink lips and sexy ass face....

Lips so soft...and a throat to match it! Like velvet and silk.

Wayyyyy more than enough to make a real one nut in record time...

Date Added: February 18, 2019


13 min of video

48 Inches of Ass Is The Reward A Good Boyfriend Gets!

It's been a LONG week! A week filled with face times, text messages, dinner dates, all that. Branden has been doing everything he can to woo Alexis! There's just something about her he really likes....he just can't put his big finger on it...

All his charm seems to be working. She's been smiling, laughing, and giggling all the time when she's around him. It seems like she really likes him to! But you know these girls be playin hard to get. You just never kno if she REALLY like u.

She been real flirty lately tho. Bending over in front of him....touching his leg when she laughing...talking about how its hard finding a man who can handle all that she has to offer....

The signals seem to be all working out in his Branden is EXTRA geeked when she invites him over, saying that its gonna be a special night and she hopes hes READY.

Branden gets there and shes wearing the SEXIEST, TIGHTEST body suit he's ever seen. Watching her move...his dick starts getting hard....

Alexis says exactly what Branden wants to hear...she wants to give him some. Some of her phat...JUICY...48 inches of ass....his dick gets even harder. But there's just one condition she has....

Date Added: February 14, 2019


32 min of video

What are you waiting for?